Thursday, October 28, 2004

work table in a mess

was waiting for the webpage to download, very slow, very slack. anyway, looked around my work table, so messy, need a good packing and re-organising.

these two days, hubby went KL... (ser, mum not suppose to know this, dun tell her) it's me and two children alone at home. well, they won't look for their father, they'll just carry on with their chores of playing and quarelling with each other. Mabel has been irritating her brother lately and the gor gor is getting fed up with her.

left one and a half more years to go before i finish my bond. so long.........

not been exercising lately, dining a lot though with friends and colleagues. die, getting fat, wait nobody want.

no inspiration to blog, nothing exciting lately and too lazy to bring laptop home also.

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