Sunday, November 07, 2004

all things french

yah man, french manicure. the fingernails look kind of squarish at the end, and there are two colours. usually a lighter base with white at the nails there.

yup, we have french cap, french fries, french kiss and french maninure. wat other french things do we have?

now, sis and adrian is at my house playing crazy taxi. well, my kids are so good at it (not that they are good at playing). they know the names of the drivers, can even sing the song. well, we practice every nite. they practise singing the crazy taxi song, i practise playing it. good, until know the road. oh yah, just realise that this is good for my children to practise their maths too. it's like if you pick up 4 passengers, and after 1 passenger alight, my son will go like 'three!' and so on. good to learn subtraction for young kids.

my son will play the xbox games, he'll be the one next time, addicted to games and trying to figure out the game. whereas my daughter, not determined to figure out the game. no perserverance. but she likes to come and see me when i'm on the laptop. next time, sure like the mum next time, always on the net, addicted to chatrooms. well, for those with children, i'm sure u agree with me that all our children are different but we love them all.


Anonymous said...

Well the children today have more opportunities than us to access computers and the technology (Good and bad) that comes with it.

You just have to be careful that children at a tender age do not get influenced by the negative aspects of the technology (Addiction to games, chatrooms and especially adult sites).

Just take the necessary precautions and it will be good.


Anonymous said...

Well the children today have more opportunities than us to access computers and the technology (Good and bad) that comes with it.

You just have to be careful that children at a tender age do not get influenced by the negative aspects of the technology (Addiction to games, chatrooms and especially adult sites).

Just take the necessary precautions and it will be good.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

yEAh...nEE! poWeR! tO tHE chiLdREN oF tOdAY bUt tHeY aRE iNdeeD luCkY. bUT i dO aGrEED wiTh mR/MisS AnOnyMouS jUsT tO oPeN eYes tO wAtcH tHe kiDS wHiLe tHeY aT iT sUrFinG tHe neTs aNd iT iS tOO aDDiCtiVe fOr sOmE pLaYinG tHe gAmEs iN pCs. ( eG....xBoX )
aBouT eVeryThiNG fRenCh....u kINd oF coVerEd aLL hAhAha. MaN!