so fast, mid week liao
ok, let's see.
on fri evening, took a coach bus to KL. well, didn't really shop there, it was more of a relaxing and sleeping vacation for me. i was so tired. on fri nite when i reached KL, went clubbing already. wow, the transvestite very chio. actually only 1 lah, the rest, average. partied till 3 am.
the next day, juz went shopping, bought 2 pillows for M&M. i actually wanted to buy a wig. since i have long hair, wanted to buy a short hair wig, highlighted red. but i didn't know that wig is so expensive, RM 199, some RM 220 or RM 330. and u have to take care of your wig, cannot anyhow leave it in the cupboard, u need to wash the wig, treat it like a real hair. didn't dare to try also, cos the sign says "trying, RM 5" wow! but it would be intersting to keep wigs as a hobby.
that nite didn't go partying, cos it was so darn hot and humid. stayed in the hotel lobby's lounge where there is cooling air con.
came back on sunday. then on monday, early in the morning, brought students to Batam. it was fun, students were well behaved, the only thing was travelling. easily, one journey can take up to 30 or 45 mins. if u want to go further, 1 hr plus. so i really appreaciate the transport network in singapore, no complaints.
i am quite tanned by the hot weather. it was very very very hot. i think singapore is the same.
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