Thursday, November 03, 2005

digital imaging

today's papers talk abt digital imaging, showed about 4 pictures, how acne can be removed, six packs added, breasts enhanced, flat hair became fuller hair, how the hair is tinged in colour, how facial fats can be reduced, how a nose can be sharpened. the images after editing certainly looks nice, of course, the person look so glamorous, so perfect.

but in reality, can we have such perfect person, wif a perfect complexion, wif a perfect figure? probably yes, u can say, some celebrity, one in particular i can think of, a taiwanese celebrity, but i'm not going to mention name here least i be sued. do you know the amount of $$ she has to spend on her body juz to look perfect? yes, no doubt, she looks good, great, every man's dream, but can we bring all these with us when we died? what becomes of you when u die? bones.... nobody will be able to see ur perfect body, nobody will be able to see ur big breasts, nobody will be able to see ur perfect complexion.

digital imaging juz brings the word hypocritical to a deeper level of meaning. maybe, perhaps, i'm saying all these to console myself that i cannot be the perfect one with the perfect figure, perfect complexion, juz let me be.... consolating myself

that's why taking pictures of nature is good. u capture it at its best. the pictures that i've shown so far, no enhancement. it is as raw as u see it. natural beauty.

sorry, i dunno what has come over me today, i juz feel so ..... well, juz sharing my feelings. people say blogging is for insecure people, probably... i'm for one who refuses to open my mouth to share my inner feelings, i guess blogging is an avenue for me to release my feelings. whether i'm insecure or not, that's for me to know, for u to find out. I AM ME!

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