Tuesday, December 26, 2006


today, was on the topic of fear. talking about how old people, or my mum's generation fear death. as we are talking, i was trying to figure out why do these people fear death. well, of course, i've formed my own explanation. then i went to OSHO to check out dec 06 issue, wola, there is an article on 'fear' and i read it, and guess wat...

an extract from the article:

You have fear -- don't ask why; just look into the fear, go into it, watch. Don't be in a hurry to analyse, to explain, to interpret, because if you bring in your interpretations, your explanations, the purity of the fear will be lost; you will start molding it into certain patterns, to fit into certain theories. You will start giving it shape and form and labels. You will start distorting it -- it will no more be the natural, wild phenomenon that it was. You will start training it, conditioning it, and sooner or later it has to agree with you -- it is your fear. It is your shadow; it is bound to agree with you. But you have destroyed a beautiful experience that may have led you into new spaces.

Let this fear which has no object become the object itself. Don't ask why -- why you are afraid. This is a wrong question. Ask 'What is this fear?' Ask what it is not to find an explanation but to go deep in it: What is this fear? 'What' is the right question.

wah, my first reaction was to ask the question 'why?' hmmm, see what i mean by this person's article is always giving me new perspective to how i myself look at things.


this is where this article is located. for those who are interested, can go read it up. but warning, he has a totally radical view, about using this experience as meditation, then when you experience, you will be able to transcend, feel peace... etc. go read it, dun judge.

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