Saturday, July 26, 2008

oh yes, btw, you could have noticed that i've removed change refrigerator from my wish list. yes, not that i have bought a new fridge, i've (actually not me) we have changed the rubbing casing to the fridge. so now my fridge should not be having problems and should be saving electricity now. spend $59 is better than a few hundred $$.

by right, fisher and paykel brand should be long lasting. the showroom person says some people use their fridge for 10 over years. my fridge is about 6 years old only. so still got some more years to go. it's just that i think the moving of house has slightly damaged the fridge a little, hence the rubber casing was damaged.

i've just remembered from my colleague who teach English, only spoil people or food spoil, things dun spoil, things are damaged.

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