Sunday, July 13, 2008

ok, over the weekend, i should be busy doing my work, but then on saturday, went to buy nintendo wii.... yes! we had fun playing with it on saturday afternoon. my arms were aching so much from the boxing that at night, i couldn't really sleep becos of the pain in my arm muscles. well, all three of them had fun playing with it too. the easiest game max could play i think is the wii sports, baseball. he could pitch the ball, that was so easy for him. the rest of the game, hmmm, well, if you let him hold the remote control,thinking that you can help him control, well, trust me, he doesnt' allow. and he's not stupid, he doesn't want to take the nanchuk (the other part of the remote control) that you offered.

so today is sunday, besides catching up on my work, bringing them out for cycle soon.

last nite, mum came to my house to have dinner. suppose to have a gathering at OT but postpone till next week. then after dinner, max and i accompanied her to giant for some shopping. bought quite a lot of things and giant is very croweded on a sat nite. after shopping, she stayed until about 11 plus then she goes home. she had a hand at nintendo wii too. gee, imagine mum playing golf. ha!

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