today at 10am, mil called me on my mobile and told me that tin left the house. at first, i got a shock. then i realised, mil, fil, mabel, max and sophia went to the market this morning. left tin and marcus at home.
so technically, she has left marcus alone at home, locked him at home without a key for him and according to marcus, she told him that she went down to look for mil.
crazy woman! how can she leave marcus alone at home and lock him in the house too, without a key??!!?? what if there is a fire, how is marcus going to escape??? WTH, how can she do this to my son???!!???
even if she wants to take initiative, it's the wrong time to take initiative. anyway, there is my fil, so what's the worry? even if she really wants to go down and help, then leave the key with marcus.
i really doubt her real motive for going down, but i know she would deny everything.
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