Thursday, February 05, 2009

yesterday, worked until i forgot to go to the bank to bank in the children's hongbao money. so today, i rushed to the bank before it closes.

then later rush back because i had to meet my mum at the maid agency. we settle our dinner outside.

ok, my thoughts are random. you know this 30 thingy thing about yourself that is passing around. if someone tags you, then you have to write about 30 random things about yourself. was reading a few, it makes me understand the person better.

i wonder if i were to write, will i be able to fill up 30 things about myself? how long would it take for me to fill up 30 things about myself? how well do i know myself?

Thought of the day: are there different forms of hugs? which type of hug do you desire most? whose hug do you desire most?

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