Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Didn't realize yesterday is 3 mar, women international day.

Well, after years of fighting for equality, of course I appreciate the freedom that women enjoyed now. Without these women fighting for equal rights, we may never be able to come out to work etc.

However all these of course also come with a price. Besides working, we also need to balance family life. That's why it's hard for working women and that's why u still have so many women quitting their job after they gave birth. So more rights came with a price.

Also I believe we can never ever be equal with men. I juz learnt that women have 1 more bone. Our biological composition is way different, one is fm Venus, one is fm mars. Men think with their 'head', women think with their hearts, men can have many mistresses, women can't really have that much partners. Women age faster than men. Old men goes with young woman, quite acceptable, old woman go with young men, not acceptable. Well the lists goes on and on.

So penny for thoughts, women international day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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