Wednesday, May 11, 2011


came home earlier than usual today to help marcus and mabel with their maths as they have maths exam tomorrow. Wa, they show me that black face, like i owe them, like it's my fault that they have maths exam tomorrow.

never mind, i tolerate, continue revision. When their careless mistakes were so many and so silly, that's when i blasted at them. Anyway, you all know my pattern, I'm cannot contain my frustration and was talking at a very loud voice.

so i have decided not to help them for their science on friday. They want, they study the science themselves and if they fail, I would only whack them.

It feels sad when your effort is not appreciated. It's like, hello, i also have my things to do, work to do, tv programme to watch. If i can sacrifice, why can't they? It was really painful.

anyway, i made a bet with them. If they got Band 3 for Maths, maths assessment 3x a week during june holidays.
If they get Band 4, maths assessment every day during june holidays.

If they get band 2 and above, no need to do assessment for june.

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