Monday, June 13, 2011

My Birthday part 1

Mmmm happy birthday to myself. Oh yes, i received many birthday greetings on my facebook, though i have thanked each one of you, somehow, i still feel that i've not done enough. So here it goes again, thank you every single friend, students, relative, ex-students for your birthday greetings, really, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for remembering.

Someone mentioned, since i received so many greetings, i should be popular, i guess this is one of the benefit of teaching. I do not know at that time, how many lives i have touched, but after so many years, a simple greeting from an ex-student makes your day! It means that at times even though i was mean to them, but they remembered me, in a good way or bad, i don't know. But I do miss teaching them too. The joys, the laughters, the disappointment, the anger, the frustration.

As for my birthday wish for myself, I just wish happiness and health to my children. If i were to wish something for myself, well, hope my wish upon the shooting star last year can come true one day.

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