Thursday, August 18, 2011


For a very long time, today i decided to go to gym, reason because i've been getting leg cramps recently, just so sudden like that, no reason, while i was walking.

Started to work out slow, ran on the treadmill, then do some exercise on the machine. While i was doing some exercises, a group of about 5-6 men, (btw, i was the only one working out in the gym) came into the gym, i think one guy was selling gym machines, so they all came in to look at the gym machines.

So pai seh sia, i mean the awkward feeling, moreover, this is like after a period of so many months, first time i went back to the gym, i met this group of men. Well, it just feels weird that while you were working out, there is a group of people, watching. Plus, i not professional, so pai seh.

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