Thursday, September 08, 2005

cd rom

marcus and mabel was given 2 cd roms on monday. since then, they have been playing the cd rom. On monday nite, marcus actually didn't want to sleep and we have to force him to sleep. Then on tuesday, marcus was playing the cd rom, he actually high tide, he was standing up and standing very uncomfortably, but he didn't go to the toilet, had to stop him also.

on wed, he started playing the cd rom at 4 something in the afternoon, only until 10 something at nite, then he said he dun want to play already... of course, in between there were toilet breaks, dinner break and sometimes, it was mabel's turn to play.

more thoughts on masters
it's easy to decide, go for masters. why not? it's also easy for people to tell me to go for it. of course, it's easy to say, but do u know how frightening it is before u commit to it? when u go for it, do u know how many things it implies and implicates? ok, that aside, wat about balancing watever u have now? who can help u when u feel stressed abt not balancing well? all people can do is to offer their 'condolenses' and encouragement... u still had to take the shit yourself.

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