Monday, June 12, 2006

oh yeah, finally, the arrival of 12 june. dunno how to describe the relief, the excitment. maybe too excited until cannot sleep.

brought m&m to watch the cartoon Cars on 7th June. Well, marcus certainly enjoyed the show. Mabel slept halfway through the show and then she started coughing and then nvm, she vomitted her phlegm out. gross. luckily it's near the end of the show already. think my black shawl really unlucky. It was first used to cover some stained skirt. Then now the 2nd time i used it, it was used to wipe off Mabel's vomit. gross.

The show is quite long, if marcus is not interested in cars, i doubt he can sit through out the show. the show is 116 mins long, almost 2 hours. this cartoon is like made for marcus to watch. will buy the vcd when it's out. and also the game if it is out.

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