Monday, June 12, 2006

wahhhhhhhh.... must be really excited. last nite could only sleep after 3 am. then guess what, 530 am, i woke up again. couldn't get back to sleep, might as well wake up to get ready.

brushed teeth, showered and most importantly, washed my hair! but this morning, i really appreciated all these 3 actions, something which we do so often. i used a generous amount of toothpaste, shampoo and shower gel, and i really thoroughly brushed my teeth. it's like my last time doing these actions, so i better do it well. simple routine things which we often take for granted.

makes me think of those who knew they are going to die, like perhaps one who is going to be sentenced to death. imagine he/she is aware that all that they are going to do will be the last action on earth, how sad! u will learn to even appreciate that u can brush your teeth.

wake up so early, now i realise i'm getting hungry, but i cannot eat.... god, this is going to be torture. hungry and u can't eat.

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