Tuesday, July 08, 2008

darn, yesterday was a bad start to the week. was badly affected. i told myself to quickly pick myself up and move on with life.

last nite, i read wanbao (yeah, since when i read chinese newspaper)a woman was complaining becos her 4D number came out first prize but she didn't win any money, becos the maid bought the wrong number. this goes to tell me that,sometimes, things are better to do it on your own, rather than ask someone to help you.

yup, that is me, i always believe in doing things on my own. people always complain why you don't let others do? that is my problem. i know no man is an island, we need the help of family/friends at times. but then sometimes, it's better to do things on your own. what i've learnt from yesterday's experience, i better do things on my own. i hate to owe people favours. from now on, i affirmed that things are better if i do it on my own. no more depending on others.

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