Friday, October 24, 2008

wah, stocks keep going down, but my weight does not!! same as max, everytime he sees me on the weighing scale, he would be the next to stand on top of it. Then he take a look, he would always say '5'. i would correct him and say '10'. last nite, he stood on the scale, then he say '20'. (i think he must have learnt it from mabel) give me a shock.

He loves to sing! alphabet song, twinkle little star, row row row your boat. and of course some barney songs.

yesterday was revising with marcus and mabel, i really had no patience when it comes to teaching my own children. anyway, we survived through the 3 hours of revision. just wish them the best for today's paper.

am currently working hard to ask schools if they have vacancies to take in marcus and mabel for 2009. so far, tried 1 sch, but they say no vacancies. so now in the process of asking another sch. i wouldn't want to pull strings as a teacher, that would be my last resort.

today is friday, but i'm not particularly happy, i dunno why. something seems to be bothering me, bogging me, but i couldn't quite pinpoint it. family? work? love? marriage? children?

just let me go through the motions for today without any hiccups due to my distraction


Anonymous said...

what to do, but to pull string lor. Best to get this settled asap.

Anonymous said...

funny mood?....well, me too so it could be due to the stars?
