Sunday, January 11, 2009

Singaporeans are really inconsiderate and selfish.

1) ocbc atm, someone left a cup of chocolate on the atm, obviously the cup spilled at the bottom, so chocolate was flowing out. gross.

2) this morning, i was at the coffeeshop, i was already at the table, but i haven't take a seat yet. i was checking out the fan. suddenly, this lady with her two kids just sat down on the chairs. She walked very fast towards the table and just plop herself on the chair. i am surprised, i didn't rail at her. but as i walked behind her, i gave her the middle finger. sorry.

3) that day at giant also. i was looking at vcds, when i 'reverse' to push the trolley out and continue my shopping, this lady who was standing behind me, gave a 'zh' sound. at first, i didn't think much of it. but later, i started to fume. how dare she 'zh'. you were the one who were standing behind me, how on earth would i know there was someone behind me? if she wants to look at the tv, then go stand somewhere else.

so after these 3 incidents, i really kind of feel sad. how come some Singaporeans behave like that? why do they behave like people owe them a living, or they are always right?

i promise myself, if any of such incidents happen to me again, i will not just stand by and let them think that they can bully me. i will fight back. i will.

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