Wednesday, May 20, 2009

random thoughts

was suppose to be reading emails, but the attachment took so long to open up, then in the end, tell me, cannot find server. what a fish!

as said, this is random thoughts, plus my mood is a little piss, so here goes:

1) there were 50 unread emails, i trashed 30 of them and only 20 are important for me to read.

2) black honda cars drive like it's their grandfather's road. 2 piss me off this morning. at tampines safra right turn, one didn't queue up and cut queue. i tailgate him and he drove in the middle of 2 lanes, not sure to let me overtake him or not. i choose not to horn, i just tailgate.

finally, after getting rid of him, another honda car came into my lane, knowing that i was just behind. i also choose not to horn, i just tailgate. red light, i stopped close behind him.

3) someone changed my chair!!!! i wouldn't be so piss if the chair is a good chair, but this chair is a rocking one, obviously it's spoilt!!!!! even if you were to borrow my chair, can't you at least put it back in the original place after using????? and this chair, the height cannot be adjusted.
(ok, problem solved. so funny)

4) menses is late, PMS is at the highest point. maybe it's stress.

5) met a NIE classmate of mine when i went to marcus' school today to bring him his things.

6) sometimes i wonder if i'm a good parent. but i guess, your own children, if you do not scold them, who will?


Anonymous said...

hello....if you are driving your new Mit Lancer Ex then I guess the Honda will be run off the road by you.
wah...kena you, a racing mama!!! sure mati lor!

Anonymous said...

saw the white lancer Ex...wah really super power nice and sporty!