Sunday, March 07, 2010

Was juz reading jack neo's affair.

1) wat was the gal thinking about? That he would leave the family for her? That he truly love her? Oh please, how naive. That by confronting him and his wife, he will divorce his wife?

2) I'm not mocking or sympathizing with anyone. In this game of affair, the gal is the loser for putting in her real feelings. Now, the guy and wife will still remain together and the gal? Left alone, hurt. She is too young, she doesn't know the rules of the game. If she had played by the rules, then maybe she would not have been hurt.

Well at least she is still young, she is still able to find a true love. Let this be a lesson she learnt, yes, it's painful, but gal, life still goes on. Go find someone truly worthy of your love.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

haha...knowing this Jack Neo, not surprising to see him trying to pull in some cheap publicity for his new movie "Being Human". Btw his "mistress" is also from this movie.
So...don't be too emotional about this sex-posure hehe!

Anonymous said...

btw as compared to Tiger or John Terry.....this is just a sick joke!