Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Let me see, i had an eventful morning.

5am: air con dripping water. di da di da, cannot sleep. adjusted the pail and tried to go back to sleep.

530am: decided to wake up since can't get back to sleep. did some stretches, swing

545am: alarm clock rang. went to wash up and bathe

6.10am: after changing clothes, went down for my cup of coffee. mabel told me, 'mummy, all channels cannot receive signal.'

6.15am: wanted to call starhub, but as i waiting and pressing '1 for english, 2 for starhub mobile, 3 for change of address and technical assistance...etc etc' i switched off the main switch to reboot the set up box. switched it off, and ta da, there is image. at this time, i heard on the phone, 'good morning, this is starhub...' i hang up the phone.

on way to school, there are slow cars, there are fast cars, there are cars who obviously have to give way but did not.

wa, as i was typing this, male colleague walked past, cologne is strong, hugo boss? melted....

ok, back to my post, what a distraction...

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