Monday, August 23, 2010

i think i'm too stressed or tensed up at work... or work has been making be feel very tensed. yup, it's different. i'm not stressed by my work, i mean i can still handle the challenge, but work has been so much and it's affecting my mental well being.

I've been dreaming about my work almost every night i sleep. my body jerked at intervals during my sleep. Last night, i must have been woken up by a huge body jerk. Because after that, i could not sleep.... i looked at the time, 2 plus. toss and turn... even though i tell myself to go to sleep, i closed my eyes, but i know i'm totally not asleep because my mind is very active, i kept thinking of work.... and i remembered i thought of uncle peter in australia... like i was asking him to help me look out for work over there.

Does GP prescribes relaxant? i seriously need something to relax... and help me sleep better. i dun want to turn to alcohol to help me sleep better.... that's not good....

or do i need anti-depression medicine?


Anonymous said... are not alone feeling "stressed up" by work or family.

seem like everyone in singapore is having issue...due to our livinghood here.

Anonymous said...

yeah...if can, get out from singapore as things are getting tougher by the day due to our leaders!