It just sets me thinking.... because this morning, I went to the ATM machine, there was a lady in front of me. When she turned around, my first impression was, she looks grumpy, black faced. She looks like I have owed her some money or owed her a good morning or whatever it is.
Then it brings me back to last Thursday when I went to endocrine doctor for my check up. I agreed that it was a long wait, I was a little bit frustrated, but the woman, two queue number in front of me, she made sure that her frustrations were felt by many people. She threatened to not see the doctor already, as it was a very long wait. Later the nurse had to knock at the door of the doctor and somehow, they pacified her. Then when the nurse called her name, she was like sigh so loudly, angrily took up her bag, angrily walked into the room. Even after seeing the doctor, when she slide the door open, it was impactful. I was wondering, the doctor must have had it from her in the room.
Hormones at fault? Is that why she was here to see the doctor in the first place? hormones imbalance? Then what about the lady I encountered this morning? also hormone imbalance?
Then again, why? Why do women, particularly the middle aged women, feels so easily frustrated? Is it because she does not get enough from her husband? Oh, this will be another long post, if I were to talk about this...... my brains are making a lot of connections and links....
In summary, I hope I'm not like that. Let not the world see my face filled with frustration.